Friday, February 29, 2008

some more early thoughts on fiji

Since folks are actually finding this, I should probably start keeping it up more! I am going to Fiji for a 27 month service in the Peace Corps. I leave May 18. My program title is "Integrated Environmental Resources Management." It sounds totally exciting and right up my alley. The reality hasn't quite sunk in yet for me, and I'm not sure if others are feeling the same way. It's hard to focus on my life here while thinking and planning for the next two years on a tropical island. It's very easy right now to get distracted by being below the equator in weather that is never less than 50 degrees and never more than 90 degrees. Quite a change from Wisconsin's weather- hopefully tomorrow it gets to the high 20's! Almost like summer! No, I love the seasonal weather changes and I know I'll miss the seasons, temperature changes, and patterns of sunlight when I don't have them around. Spring is always so wonderful because it makes you feel alive after the cold and dark winter. I love that feeling of re-birth and excitement for the impending long days and nights of sunlight, greenery, and not having to wear layer upon layer of wool. But what I was getting at is that I don't think I'll realize what I've gotten myself into until I'm on that plane. Right now it still doesn't quite feel real.

That said, this has been such a snowy winter that Fiji will be a welcome reprieve. I'm anxious to find out more about what kind of natural resources are available in a Pacific country. I can almost taste the fresh mangoes and papayas!! They're such a delicacy here and given my commitment to (trying to) eating locally grown foods, that kind of fruit is a special kind of treat for me. Yum, yum!

Already I wish I had more info to give people, and I don't know if others are also feeling like they're giving these two years to a cause that they don't fully know yet. I have no qualms about or fears of my position, but it would be comforting to know a little more of what to expect (I know I know- PATIENCE!).

Until then, it's more, "I'll just have to wait and see!"


Alisha Duffield said...

Hey, I would have to agree with you on this whole thing hasn't really sunk in either for me. When I first found out about going to Fiji it was crazy excitement and that has died out, but now I feel like it really isn't going to happen. I feel like someone played a joke on me or something. I don't know if it because it feels like our departure date is so far away that it doesn't feel real or the simple fact that we are actually going to be living on a tropical island for two years, especially when we are used to the cold weather.

It is really hard for me too to focus on work and stuff I'm doing here cause everyday all I can think about is Fiji and what I think it's going to be like there and what I need to pack and so forth. I keep trying to think what the people are going to be like there. Are they going to like us? Are they friendly? Do they want us there?

Though the thought of constant 80 degree weather sounds so good to me in Fiji. I think I will miss the seasons too, especailly Spring!

I don't know what to expect in these two years to come, but I know that I am ready to get them started. I know that it's going to be tons of fun, great memories and experiences. I am so excited to personally (opposed to virtually) meet all the trainees that I will be sharing this experience with. I just wanted to respond to your comments and let you know that you are not the only one feeling the way you are. We are all on the same boat! (get it, really probably we will all eventually be on a boat together in Fiji)

Best regards,

Alisha Duffield

Seth said...

I am glad I'm not the only one getting really anxious to leave.

Vincent Baxter said...

thanks for the window on your service. we were volunteers in cameroon 00-02. check out our students would love to hear more about fiji. keep it up.