Friday, March 6, 2009

another one bites the dust

This weekend we lost another Fre-6er. We started out as 32 in the group and are now down to 28. Al of us made it through PST and were sworn in as Volunteers, which has to be some kind of Peace Corps record. But we've lost two people to medical separations and two people have "ET'd", Early Termination. It's sad when we lose people and usually I don't find out until weeks after it happened. We're still probably an anomaly of a group but... it's sad to lose one.

And I realized, after reading the articles, that I did know Dan Thompson. I remember him mostly from band. (I think. Was he in band?) Anyway I know I remember him and that makes me sad. Will it make people actually think a little bit more about what's going on in Iraq? Did he really give his life to make you or me or anyone in the US more "free" or "safe," as if we weren't already? I mean, the war in Iraq has by all measures restricted Americans' freedoms and intensified/ instigated/ encouraged terrorist activities and violence towards Americans. So really, what has been gained, again, by this bungled mess of Iraq? I don't feel quite as hostile towards Iraq as I did with Bush so come on, Obama. Make us peaceniks and rational thinking Americans proud.

I also forgot, in my movies list, to mention the hilarious Tropic Thunder. For those people who think I don't have a sense of humor, I laughed like crazy at this movie. Hilarious. Tom Cruise? Who knew he had it in him??

I'm back after a week in Labasa, in the north, and I can't wait to get back to the village! I think I'm the only Volunteer who likes being in the village more than being in town. everything's expensive and the food's totally fattening.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

I also loved "Tropic Thunder" and thought it was brilliant. Tom Cruise was great.