Saturday, November 21, 2015

This Decay (a poem)

He said to me, "When did this decay start?" From recent conversations, it started at the beginning. A slowly crumbling decay. In September, I attended an open poetry workshop. I wrote this, based off the theme of "the elements".

My anger is red hot, burning from my Aries temper
Fueled by passion, jealousy, and immovable honesty.
Its flames light up my face
A radiating force field of one sided stubbornness
Finally admitting the slow decay of a relationship doomed.

Tears flow freely, the vital fluids that carry life forward,
Healing can start when the energy is spent.

Where is the oxygen I need
To sustain a beating heart?
The heavy air of our fights chokes me.

Ashes to ashes the fire from my depths meet the cool (eventual) end of life.
Returning each moment to the beginning,
A cycle of life and death, life and death.

Earth’s elements envelope me
Offering rejuvenating breath to free my soul,
Drowning my fear, suppressing the glowing embers of anger,
Baptizing me with newfound wisdom. 

We need decay to be reborn
Like the fire releasing the seed in an old growth forest.

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