Thursday, July 10, 2008


That's right: Brrrrrrr. Who would have thought I'd say Fiji is cold! But it is, at least where I'll be living. All those jokes about me living in the bush? Yup. I will be. I'm in the jungle mountains of Fiji and it's chilly. I guess it warms up around October and gets hot but I actually need to buy a hat! People were dressed in winter boots, wool coats, hats, and scarves. Riding the bus- which has no closed windows- is the worst. But, I have the most amazing, spectacular view! It's beautiful in the mountains. My village is actually down in an open valley but surrounded by hills and trees. It's really big for a village. There's only one road in and two buses go through a day. It's really secluded. My house is cute, small but nice. I have a "caretaker" who owns the house and lives in her own house next door with her two sons. I met some really cool people there already, including this 50 year old single woman who has a son w/ a British businessman and speaks really wonderful English. When we were talking about church I told her I don't really go to church and she said, "That's okay my dear, that's okay" and was very okay about it. She's really tall and skinny and walks gracefully around in these men's old sport coats. There's this other old woman who's 68 and widowed and doesn't smoke or drink grog or eat meat and retired from the Ministry of Health. I call her Nana, which is ironic, especially because we sat and talked for a long time and it feels like I already have a grandmotherly figure in the village. She's really sassy and doesn't like to be bored or be idle. She likes her alone time and keeps her doors closed a lot. She says "frankly" a lot and doesn't care what the village thinks about her keeping her door closed. She doesn't like television and thinks the schools place too much emphasis on sports rather than education and reading.

But, I'm going to miss "Host village" and all the people I've met there.

I made my first political faux pas though, yesterday. We're not supposed to talk about politics, which I know and have been really good about, but then at our conference earlier in the week it came up that it's okay to talk about American political perspectives as long as you clarify you're speaking on your own behalf and not as a representative of the American government or Peace Corps. I thought I was reading the situation okay when I was asked who I think is going to win in November: Obama or McCain. Well, I wasn't too serious about it but I said, in Fijian, that I hope Obama wins. "And McCain?" "I don't really like him and I think if he wins the whole world is in trouble." "I like McCain. He's a war hero. Did you know that?" yeah. And? It ended there, but I just keep thinking about politics when I really don't want to. That's the message the world is getting: McCain is a war "hero" and that should determine who the president of one fo the most powerful countries in the world is. Uh, no. But I can just picture what is happening in the US right now, like what happened with Kerry and to a point with Gore: McCain's camp is going to be all negative and his supporters are going to throw out the "war hero" story over and over again as if that really means anything. Obama's going to play nice, play fair (which I like, really) and never stand up for himself. he's going to roll over and be the moderate, middle of the road guy who tows the party line. I hope this isn't happening. Why can't we as liberals, as self-entitled "Progressives," stand up for ourselves? We don't need a president who is middle of the road and bows to the other side! We need a president who isn't afraid to stick to what s/he believes. If the Right can do it, we can do it too.

Enough. I think I'll head back to my first village. I'll be changing my address when I head to N. in a couple weeks, but until then PC mail gets to PCVs. Hope everyone is well! Stay cool, eat some cheese for me, and let me know what's up!


Anonymous said...

It's really going to get that cold? I thought you said Fiji doesn't get below 50... though I suppose, comparatively, that is pretty cold.

How about a news update? Here's a fun one for starters: Karl Rove didn't show up to testify before Congress today even though he had been subpoenaed! Now Congress has to decide if they want to hold him in contempt.
Jesse Jackson made a comment about Obama "talking down to black people" and then said something about cutting off his nuts - and of course Fox News got this on video. He's apologized already and Obama accepted it. Also, there was this media frenzy over Obama, after a visit to Iraq, talking about possibly refining his policy on Iraq. Republicans were saying that he was flip-flopping on the issue, when he was really just saying he would take into account "facts on the ground." The Senate passed the FISA bill granting immunity to the telecoms; the vote was 69-28. Obama voted FOR it, how lovely. Oh, and there are wildfires in California.

It's cool that you've gotten your post, but we're wondering - what are you actually doing there, besides making friends?

Keep the posts coming - always good to hear what you're up to.

Peace and love,

Morgan said...

Let's see...I went to see a free concert at the Aldo Leopold Center (Craig invited me) and boy oh boy, it was really more your thing than mine. First, I was probably the only person there w/ product in my hair. There were all these hippy-dippy types, you know, Chukka wearing, bearded men and women with flowing pants, shirts, and/or dresses with long 60s hair. I was not in my element. Then they started passing around bowls of strawberries and I didn't know what to do with it--excuse me, at Bruce Springsteen or at the Rave concerts, they're not really big on passing around bowls. At least, not bowls of fruit. Regardless, it was fun and the band itself was pretty cool--music reminded me of that 30s style folksy/bluegrass, like "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou" music. They're called the Giving Tree and I guess are supposed to be in the Johnny Depp movie "Public Enemies." They're also trying to get their music in the movie and/or soundtrack, so if that happens it will sweet that I saw them in person. But they rode their bikes from Devil's Lake to the AL Center, and were discussing things like "carbon footprints" and "biodegradable CD cases" and such. Very weird, very Mother Earth peaceniks weirdos (sorry, many are spacey and weird!). However, I went and enjoyed myself. I suppose someone has to take up your cause, no?

Oh, I picked up a dead (cremated) body yesterday, that was weird. I had to drive to Madison to get it. And it's hot and humid, but mysteriously, every time I turn the AC on it storms. Seriously.

Morgan said...

Oh, and what is the deal w/ tree huggers not wearing shoes? The band and the "sound guy" (who had a huge twirly mustache and a rat-tail half-way down his back, braided and everything--WHY would someone do that on purpose?!?) were all barefoot...I just don't understand. People were poor in the 30s, but they still had shoes. I'm just looking for a little insight here. You're my hippy/tree-hugging representative.

Morgan said...

Sorry to keep adding random things, but I chatted online w/ Darryl Carlson last nite--it was weird to think he's halfway around the world in Iraq and we're talking. But, he is re-enlisting (I think for the money, 15grand tax-free) and should be home fairly soon--just a couple of weeks. He wants to finally finish school and was a little upset and angry that Kohler gave his job away. Anyway, of all the emails/facebook posting/myspace messages I've ever send him (and there aren't many, granted) this was the first time he's ever responded...he messaged ME! But he is safe and good, he said I could get a job as a contractor and make 10 grand a month. Ha! Imagine me in Iraq.

auntie lani said...

Hi Taylar. Received the package I sent out to you many weeks ago. Guess the address I wrote is wrong. I took the one you gave us on the e mail. Waiting for your mom to verify the right one and will send it back out tomorrow. Stay warm...we sure are. Upper 80's lower 90's, but I am not complaining.Spent last week up at the cabin and had the best weather. Spent my time away from the babies just relaxing and reading and of course sunning.

auntie lani said...

I am sending out your package for the second time and hope it reaches you. I saw on Magan's letter from you a street number and and name so will include that this time on the package.

Loved the pictures on Leslie's blog of you in the Fiji dress. Was able to pick you out of the line of beekeepers and mongoose dancers. Looks like you are a true native already.

Having horrible storms and major downpours all day. Was suppose to go to visit w/your mom and take Dominic to her story hour but had to cancel. Dominic has strep and ear infection. Very sick little boy.

Look forward to hearing about your new home and getting the address. Take care and keep the news coming our way. Love ya, Auntie Lani

Johanna said...

Hey Taylar...great to hear about what you have been up to! Also, I have to admit to laughing at Morgan's a good way of course! Not too much new here, job hunting for a teaching position, have been on 2 interviews so far, and I have another one on Tuesday. I will be going to Atlantic City this weekend, so I hope to be somewhat richer, or at least even when I return. A package from me will be on its way next week, although I will check with your mom to find out what address to use. Stay warm and you- Johanna

auntie lani said...

Package went out again today. Hope it only takes about 2 weeks to reach you. Another very hot and humid day. I am still unemployed for the new school year. Upset I can not take more nursing classes for now. Being on the lay-off, I can not go back to college according to the district. Will plan to sub for now unless I change to nursing full time and give up w/the school district.

Dominic and Elijah continue to keep us very busy. Enjoy their new pictures..Love...Auntie Lani