Friday, May 30, 2008

another update

Here I am again quickly trying to type away. I want to get some pictures up but I keep forgetting my camera cord. Today my host brother marika and I went to Suva. Hope to spend some more time there another day.

I'm in a village which has about 400 people in it. There are three other PC people in the village, too, and in all there are about 6 sites. We rotate villages for "hub-sites." We'll have language in the morning and in the afternoon we do technical training- so I'll learn about programs Fiji already has for conservation and environmental ed, etc. I'll be doing a lot of waste and sanitation stuff, including piggery locations and other pretty stuff. I'm excited because our training is all built around community participatory action.

The villages are all pretty special. When I told people about going to Fiji a lot of the comments were like, "oh white sandy beaches" and "oh that must be rough." let me tell you it's not all pretty beaches. The villages are very community oriented and everyone is willing to help out their neighbors. There are giant feasts where everyone chips in food and supplies. It's quite amazing to see people coming together so much. There is poverty in Fiji and the living conditions are nothing glamorous. The cities/towns are like most cities/towns: polluted, dirty, busy. Suva, for being the biggest city in the country, didn't have many tourists and there certainly weren't resorts. We do have a water safety training next week so we'll get to go to the ocean swimming!

Last night another village came to my village for a Methodist "rally" which meant after the service there were skits and songs and interpretive spiritual dancing. Then there was a giant feast and a "sevusevu," a traditional ceremony where yaqona root is presented and everyone thanks one another for coming. Having four Americans joining your celebration was exceptionally exciting for both villages, too!

Okay, all for now. Sorry it's not a big report but there's so much happening that it's hard to keep track of everything. Hope all is well and let me know if anything is happening in the States; I feel a little out of what's happening in the world!

And Alicia, I willd efinitely teach you all about boils. Apparently they're one of the most common ailments Volunteers get in Fiji! Not looking forward to those... Thanks for all your comments and support!


Morgan said...

Maybe you could name your street Sores and Boils Ln. From "Gilmore Girls"? haha

Laura said...

Hi Taylar---well, all that is happening here is rain! We are waterlogged. I am putting a package together for you today.

I am glad to hear that you are doing so well. The people sound so genuine and seem to enjoy the simple things in life.

Logan gets out of school on Wed. I think he is going to miss his buddies----so, I will be planning playdates!
Scott left yesterday to drive to CA. He is working on a Navy Lodge in Ventura.
Leyton is my pistol and keeps me on my toes and laughing!
We are stuck inside with these storms and then the mosquitos are going to be so bad we won't be able to stand to be out either!
Take care!

Laura and Family

Johanna said...

Hey Taylar, it has been so nice to be able to catch up on what you have been doing. I hope all has been well since your last post. Stay safe and take care! Love, Johanna

Dawn said...
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Dawn said...


Missing you and thinking it's been so long since we've had word from you. Hoping all is well. We'll be sending another package this week and possibly a letter w/news clippings of what's been happening locally. You'll never believe the weather we've had, and the horrible destruction that has followed.

Father's Day tomorrow ... our first family event w/o you! We'll be going to church and Thunder Valley, as we've done for years. We'll be thinking of you ...

Take care and be safe. Love and Hugs, MOM

Taylar said...

Thanks for the package, Laura! I got it yesterday!! What a surprise!! And I really needed the batteries, too!!! Perfect timing!

Glad to hear all is well-